sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009

Tema da tese definido

“Building interactive spatial and temporal models
using multimodal data”



The construction of virtual world models is an important step in several applications from simulations to virtual reality. These threedimensional worlds are usually constructed oine from scratch or using large datasets of data extracted from satellites. Once they are constructed they are usually static or hard to alter automatically. What is proposed in this thesis is a  method to create methods that would take advantage of several types of low-cost sensors and computer vision to quickly create and update virtual models. These virtual models will have live feeds from the sensors and from images and videos. The resulting model can be consulted in terms of space and time, turning on and o several layers of information. These models can  then be used in several scenarios such as retrieving information from a physical space, creating simulations or creating augmented reality scenes. One of the main ideas proposed is the fact that changes in the virtual model can be reflected back to the images and videos that helped in its construction. This reconstruction of reality can have several applications to visualize the results of environmental simulations such as pollution or disaster simulations, showing the a ected areas in real life images. Additionally it can be useful to superimpose virtual objects to be used in augmented reality, turning the room where the user is into a completely di erent scenario. The construction of the models involves the study of several image processing algorithms and techniques. Additionally, to support the fast creation, visualization and interaction with the models several tools will have to be developed. The interaction should explore new paradigms di erent from the mouse and keyboard. Essentially it should take advantage of the computer vision knowledge learnt in the construction of the models. This document addresses the problems involved in this area, presents related work, preliminary solutions and a work plan for the thesis.

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